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New for 2024!

Michael Hewitt

Michael Hewitt - McDermott Ambassador

"The Bishop of Billiards"

"The Pastor of Pool"

8-ball, 9-ball, 10-ball & Artistic Pool

Trick Shot Cue:
McDermott DCHOF Hall of Fame Cue #7
I do not take this cue with me on a plane as it could never be replaced. This cue is irreplaceable and has already been put in my will.

Playing Cue:
McDermott G606 with Engage butt plate

Playing Shafts: Defy & i-Pro

Break Cue: Sledgehammer

McDermott Ambassador Since: 2020

Competes: USA

Home Club: The great theologian Charles Wesley said, “The World is my parish.” I equate this to saying, “The World is my pool hall.”

Favorite Venue: Vegas, Derby City, and literally any room with a table!

Players that have inspired him: My father - Jerry Hewitt, Dr. Cue, Efren, Mike Massey, Steve Lillis, Johnny Archer, Robin Dodson, Loree Jon Hasson, Willie Mosconi

Tips/advice for aspiring players:
Respect the game and have fun! You can play it your entire life!

Everything can be broken down. Know your fundamentals.

Get a coach! That is how your take your game to the next level.

Best advice he received from someone:
Setbacks are set-ups for God to work!

Never stop learning! You always have a shot.

Love wins! Always enjoy the roll and play skillfully with a shout of Joy!

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Major Accomplishments

Being a Pastor, friend and coach to many world class players and up-and-coming future hall of famers.

Placed 2nd in first Covid-19 Quarantine Artistic Trick Shot Competition. April 2020.

Derby City Classic - Qualifier to 4th round of Bank Competition, Record of 1-1 in 9-Ball 2020.

Big Shots, Muncie, IN. - 2018-2019. Placed in every competition I entered.

2011-2017 I started two different churches. Unfortunately, playing was relegated to my basement. During this time I was nicknamed, “The Monk.” Coming out of my basement to play in a tournament here and there people always wondered who the “new road player,” was and where he came from. Little did these people know I was the pastor down the street! Lol!

BCA League - Kentwood Community Church 2008-2010 - League Champion. I also organized a billiards mission trip to Las Vegas for the BCA nationals with six people from the league.

Runner-Up Illinois BCA Team State Championships 2007.

Guppies Pool Hall, Holland, Michigan - Placed in almost every local tournament.

Helping friends crusading the beauty, promise and vision of our "sport gift."


Member of the R.A.C.K. team:

To learn more about the ministries of Rising Hope Church, visit

Other Activities Michael Enjoys

Playing music, spending time with family, and watching the big game on TV. I enjoy all sports!
